Hello everyone!
Recently, I've been having weird dreams. Not just weird, but also extremely real dreams. So real that I almost feel like I've been watching a movie when I wake up. Sometimes it's a good thing, and sometimes it's bad. I've had some really cool dreams, where I've been experiencing things I would never get to experience in the real world. Things like living in a village, 2000years ago, together with skyscraper tall creatures, riding on unicorns on fire. But sadly, also things like running from a murdere, inside a house with nothing but long dark hallways, and metal staircases.
I also recently heard about "Lucid dreaming". Lucid dreaming, is when you realize you are dreaming, while dreaming, wich means you can get control of what you are doing, inside the dream. And from what I've heard, it should be a pretty cool experience. You can do things like flying, teleportation, and even go through walls.
So I though, when I have theese dream, why not put them to good use? So I opened up Reddit, and began researching. I've now got a plan, for how I'm going to achive theese "Lucid dreams". Here it is:
RC - Reality checks
WBTB - Wake back to bed
MILD - mnemonically induced lucid dream
Reality tests is: A test to establish whether you are in a dream or waking life, actively done during the day in hopes that the habit will continue within dreams.
What I'm personally doing, is counting my fingers. If there is 10 fingers, well good, I'm not dreaming. If there is 11 fingers, I'm probably dreaming. I'm trying to do this every time i remember, wich is about 30 times a day.
Wake back to bed is: When you set your alarm clock to wake you up halfway or 2/3 through your REM sleep, go occupy your brain for 30-50 minutes, and then go back to bed, and carry out MILD.
Mild is: As you fall asleep, recall one of your most recent dreams. Play the dream over in your mind, and imagine yourself becoming lucid in some way. Focus on the feeling you get from becoming lucid in that dream. As you are imagining this, tell yourself, "Tonight, I will have a lucid dream." Use your imagined lucidity to reinforce the idea that you'll become lucid tonight. Repeat the phrase to yourself until you fall asleep.
I'm currently on my 3rd day of doing reality checks, and 2nd night of doing WBTB. I'll keep you guys updated on how things work out, and maby do a dream jurnal on here. Anyway, I'll go to sleep now, wish me luck!
-Rauwz <3
Have you tried those weird eye mask things that beep softly and can induce lucid dreaming? I've had varying degrees of success with those in the past. These days I'm more interested in the sleep than the dreams tho...
SvarSletYes, I've seen them. I thought they were only a kickstarter project though. Didn't know you could get them now. I might look further into that.
SletThanks :)!