That's lucky, cause I have a late wallpapers post for you !
Let's begin.
This week: Minimalistic stuff.
I love theese video game related wallpapers.
This one is probably the funniest mario wallpaper ive seen yet.
aww yeaaah. going oldschool.
did anyone play portal 2? You should, it's really good.
So I hope you guys like the wallpapers this week. If you have suggestions to the genre of the next wallpapers post, please say so in the comments below.
love these olschool ones
SvarSletshould include one or two for larger monitors, though
Thanks alot for the comment, I'll find some high res ones for next time.
SvarSletI'm a bit worried at how funny I find the "Two Girls, One-Up" one.
SvarSletThanks for the walls.
SvarSletI've been waiting soo long for these! Thanks! :D
SvarSletYeah, sorry about the wait, was on vacation for a couple of days :)
SvarSletI stole the 2 girls 1 up one. It's epic
SvarSletI loled at 2 girls one up xD
SvarSletI think I'll take the Super Mario one :P
SvarSlethave t-shirts with the 1st and 2nd pictures :D
SvarSletreally? where did you get those?
SvarSletAlways the minimalistic aproach is the best :D awesome shares +follow :D
SvarSletI like the second one. :D!/my2pesos
I loved the minecraft one! It's awesome
SvarSletcool! thanks for the nice wallpapers!
SvarSletThese are awesome, swiping the first one.
SvarSleti found it on C&A
as long others t-shirts with pacman and simpsons
Love the minecraft one.
SvarSletGreat choices.