tirsdag den 30. august 2011

Wallpapers 1.0

So in celebration of getting my 2000th page view (Thanks alot everyone) I thought I'd start up a new weekly thing (The Youtube weekly thing is not gonna be something I'll do. It just didn't fit in on my blog)
And that is:
Wallpapers weekly!
I'll find 3 wallpapers every week, that I think is awsome enough to show on my blog. I will then let you guys decide if you like it or not. And if you do, you can download it, and use it as your own wallpaper!

So let's begin. This first one might seem a bit.. childish? But don't be fooled. First of all it looks awsome, and has a nice minimalistic feel to it. And second of all, it has a great message.
Full resolution Here
Second up is, to be honest, the same picture. But on a darker background, wich I personally prefer. 
Full resolution Here
Now this last one, is something completely else, but also very awsome. it has sort of a nostalgic feel to it. Right?
Full resolution Here

Alright, so I'd love to hear some feedback. Tell me if you'd like me to make this into a weekly thing, and tell me if you like the wallpapers. Also, leave suggestions for what kind of wallpapers you want to see in the comment section, and I'll try to find something that will suit you.

-Rauwz <3

22 kommentarer:

  1. Great wallpapers, but can I request some dark ones for next week. I know watcha gonna say - depressing and so on, but really dark is good on eyes ;)

  2. Oh man, believe me. I'm so happy you sais that :D I'm in to more dark ones (like the 2nd one) and I have alot of them. I'll definitaly get some dark ones up next time!

    -Rauwz <3

  3. The last one is my new background Thanks!

  4. Just wondering if i canget away with those top ones at work

  5. Wow! I absolutely love all of them! thanks! :)

  6. Nice wallpapers. I think I might steal the Super Mario World one.

  7. Great idea. There are tons of diffrent wallpapers on the net, nice to watch best of them here

  8. the mario one makes up for those ponies

  9. Gotta go with Scienide with this one, darker is better.... If you know what I mean.

  10. Grimdarks make good wallpapers, just saiyan :D

  11. gotta go with the second one.

  12. Second one is quite nice. I like the contrast between black and blue. And the message... Like my personal quote I could say, heh.

  13. lol. I'm not doing shit today either! Except blogging...then going to work =/

  14. hmmm pony wallpaper = downloaded

  15. I like the wallpapers, the mario one will be on my computer for awhile. Thanks.
