Hi guys, before we start, I want to just say sorry for being so inactive these last few days. I've got exams, and on vacation next week. But no worries, you'll still get your wallpapers, and after my vacation i will bring back the random topic posts. Thanks for being understanding.
Now let's get started, shall we?
This week doesn't really have any specific genre, but more just a couple of awesome walls I've found thoughout the week. Starting with... My own! That's right, ever wondered what my desktop looks like.
Now, I'm ofcourse changing my wallpaper all the time, but this is what it looks like right now.
The mac style doc i got, is a program called Rocketdock. (Download link below) It's a great little thing to have, just makes everything easier. Also, it looks nice :).
The awesome "calender" i got in the left, is an addon to a program called Rainmeter. (download link below). Rainmeter is a great program, made for people who want to keep their desktops nice and easy to navigate. some of the things you can do with rainmeter, is for eksampel make dates, clocks, auto updating weather forecasts and show how much ram you are using. Believe me, worth checking out.
Oh, and this is my wallpaper. Calvin and hobbs, if I am not mistaken. A few years since I last read those comics, great times though..
Next is.. gasmasks? Yeah, I know. Kind of a weird genre, but I am finding a new born interest in theese. They are just so.. badass!
And another one..
and the last one, for this week. Tell me if you'd like more. I'm sure I can find more of theese.
These next 2 ones are actually pretty relevant. You know, Occupy Wallstreet and stuff.
And another one
Next up is 3 ekstra wallpapers, as an excuse for not posting alot atm.
So, until next time, take care. :)
Also, feel free to leave suggestions to what kind of wallpapers I post.
Rauwz <3